Community News & Updates

Be sure to check in often as we will be refreshing this page with important community postings. Should you have updates that you would like to share with the community please send them to:

Posted 4/6/23

The Board is happy to announce the 2023 Bylaws have passed! The election was certified by Bill and Wanda Skinner and recorded with Madison County. A copy will be posted to the website for your reference. The Board thanks everyone who participated in the ballot process. It shows you truly care about your community.
The ballot totals were 72 Yes, 8 No.

This Is Why We Live Here

Have You Caught the Drift?

Photos taken and shared of the drifting snow and roads cleared in Pronghorn Meadows during December, 2022.

Fiber Optic Communication Coming To Pronghorn Meadows
Liz Blue Liz Blue

Fiber Optic Communication Coming To Pronghorn Meadows

Good news for residents who require high data rate connectivity for streaming 4K movies, on-line gaming or business communication.

3 Rivers Communications will begin installing fiber optic cable in the Pronghorn Meadows subdivision commencing Summer, 2022. Fiber optic cable had been installed along Highway 287 several years ago so it was only a matter of time before homes would be connected to the trunk line. Installation is expected to be completed with the target for activation in July 2023.

Residents interested in learning more about Fiber Optic Cable coming to Pronghorn Meadows may contact Jason Petrillo at 3 Rivers. His contact information is:

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Retrieving Your Mail
Liz Blue Liz Blue

Retrieving Your Mail

IMAGE: Pronghorn Meadows Mailbox Facility

Did you know that many rural residents need to go to the Ennis post office to retrieve their mail? We are fortunate here in Pronghorn Meadows, as attached to our community club house is an HOA mailbox room, located in an enclosed facility and sheltered from the weather

Current residents and recent arrivals have enquired as to how they may have their mail delivered to this location.

The process is simple: Visit the Ennis Post Office and advise them that you are a resident of Pronghorn Meadows and that you would like to begin mail service here. Provide them your Pronghorn Meadows lot number (you may need to show identification) and request a key for your appointed mailbox. The administrators at the Post Office will provide you a key that corresponds to your box (designated by lot number) in the mailroom. NOTE: your mailing address will be your actual street address in Pronghorn Meadows; not your lot number.

There are special mailboxes in the facility intended for holding of oversize mail and small packages that may arrive. A key to the associated receptacle will be provided in your mailbox at the time of delivery. Be sure to remove your package(s) in a timely manner and replace the key to the larger box once you have retrieved your oversized mail. As customary, larger boxes and packages will be retrieved at the Ennis Post office.

In addition, our dedicated mailroom includes an outgoing mailbox. Besides offering residents the convenience of not having to drive to town to deposit their mail, this box is a tremendous resource especially during inclement weather, be it rain, ice or heavy snow! The box is located on the West wall of the mailroom facility, and is checked on normal service days by our Ennis Post office delivery person.

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